Breastfeeding is known to be one of the earliest ways to reduce your baby’s risk of SIDS, obesity, asthma, and many more. It can also reduce the mother’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer. But did you know that breastfeeding can also impact the dental health of the baby?

Breastfeeding promotes better teeth alignment

Recent studies have shown that babies who were exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months were less likely to develop open bites, crossbites, and other teeth alignment issues.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk for baby bottle tooth decay 

Baby bottle tooth decay develops when a baby has prolonged exposure to drinks containing sugar. This usually happens to babies who are put to bed with a bottle, even if it’s formula or milk.

Dental care is still needed even if you are breastfeeding.

Although breastfeeding can be beneficial in so many aspects, children who have been breastfed can still develop cavities. Breastfeeding doesn’t make the kids cavity-free.

It’s very important to start caring for your child’s dental health early. You can start cleaning your child’s gum area with a clean, damp cloth after every feeding. You can do this even if your child isn’t teething yet.

For moms, self-care is important especially if it affects your health. Many moms end up neglecting their dental health due to their busy schedules. Your dental health is as important as the rest of your family.

Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day are still the simplest ways to prevent gum and tooth diseases. Also, make sure to have your teeth checked by a dentist. An annual dental check can help prevent serious dental health issues.

Cakmes Dental Studio in Knoxville has a team of dental health professionals who can help you bring back your smile. To request an appointment, you can call us at (865) 584-6163 or visit

